Category: Decision Making

How Did It Come To Be?

If you don’t know how it came to be, you are not ready to change someone’s opinion.

Lessons Learned Playing Carry Over To Life

You will learn something from everything you do if you pause and notice.

How The World Works

We all follow incentives.

Advising Your Children or Grandchildren About Income and Money

We each could have benefitted if we had known more earlier.

A Book That Projects The Future

The world is changing faster than you think.

The Motivators In Life

Incentives and disincentives lead us to certain decisions. We should understand how that works.

How We Remember Affects How We Act

We have little ability to understand the big picture.

Be Careful Of Getting The Answer You Want

Predictions are often meaningless. Even harmful.

Identify Your Problem Before Solving It

Facts define problems better than ideology or assumptions.

Society Must Solve Problems To Prosper

Solve right problems.