Tag: Don Shaughnessy

When People Don’t Play Nicely With You

A couple of weeks ago, I watched two of my grandchildren, who are cousins, playing. The 3-year-old wanted to play on a small teeter-totter, the 2-year-old would not. The older one was upset about that. He liked the toy and wanted to play, but… Continue Reading “When People Don’t Play Nicely With You”

Why “Why?” Matters

I recently pointed out that it is better to never ask why. Many readers commented on this and I thought it might be good to be a little more expansive on the subject. Why generally applies in two time contexts. Why prospectively and why… Continue Reading “Why “Why?” Matters”

Who’s Your Planner?

There is only one answer to that question and we will come to it in a moment. First, let’s look at what financial planning is about. Developing a successful financial plan has three clear parts. Design a strategy. Essentially, of all the things you… Continue Reading “Who’s Your Planner?”

Organized Common Sense

Financial planning is fundamentally simple yet subtle. It becomes complex when nuance, taxation, packaging, helpers, and media become involved. If you stick to the common sense you will be able to decide amongst the best options in the rest. In the four previous posts,… Continue Reading “Organized Common Sense”

After The Planner Has Been Around For A While

In the first three stages, people control their cash flow, insure their income, provide documented instructions for emergencies, build a long plan and a short plan, get out of debt and build a balanced portfolio of investments to provide for future needs. The next… Continue Reading “After The Planner Has Been Around For A While”

What To Expect When The Financial Planner Comes – 3

All financial planning is about time and resources.  The objective is to use the resources to best advantage at the time of your choosing.  You cannot spend money next week.  You must wait until next week comes.  All spending is in the present.  Similarly… Continue Reading “What To Expect When The Financial Planner Comes – 3”

What To Do Until The Financial Planner Gets There

What are the basic first steps of financial planning? These are the ones that require no particular knowledge or skill. They are the things that everyone can and should do and few actually do. They are fundamental but not always fun. Let’s see what… Continue Reading “What To Do Until The Financial Planner Gets There”

An Old Story Revisted

A philosophy professor stood before his class. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks about 2″ in diameter.  He then asked the students if the jar was full.  They agreed that… Continue Reading “An Old Story Revisted”

An Approach

Argument from authority is a form of argument that implies deduction when the proper form is inductive. For example. Most persons agree that war is bad. James is a person. Therefore James thinks war is bad. On the surface it makes some sense and… Continue Reading “An Approach”