Tag: financial literacy

Think About “Success On Purpose”

Understand what it takes to be successful on purpose.

Understanding Every Change Is Impossible.

Losing a little is winning compared to losing a lot.

Getting Optimal Value

I can’t afford anything that cheap

Thinking About Risk

You cannot overpower risk, but you can outhink it.

The Essence of Price Fixing

Price fixing can’t happen without the cooperation of both producers and consumers.

Will Our Relationship With Banks Change?

There are three possible answers to the question Probably Certainly No, because it has already changed Banking Ask yourself some questions. Are banks customer-centric? They claim to be that, but they operate on their own business plan, and most of it is self-centred. I… Continue Reading “Will Our Relationship With Banks Change?”

Cheap is Expensive

A low price does not define the value you receive.

Will ZIRP Return When Inflation is Controlled?

Governments like a low interest rate environment because they borrow immense amounts of money. Is what is good for them, good for you?

Overview Of The Silicon Valley Bank Failure

When you make obvious mistakes with a lot of money, bad things happen.

A Thought Experiment

If there was a reset, how long until it returned to what has worked before.